Corporate support

EPAPSY actively tries to partner with companies that share our values for the support of the mentally vulnerable people, the destigmatization of mental illness, the early intervention and treatment of psychosocial difficulties of children and adolescents, and the social integration of the people among us facing psychosocial difficulties.  If you wish to support our work and actions, we can work together on the creation of a custom-made support method. Thus, you will highlight your input in the field of Corporate Social Responsibility and receive the respective benefits of our cooperation. Send your message through the following form or contact Angeliki Gerogianni, in a.gerogianni@epapsy.gr.


EPAPSY has continuous collaborations with foundations for the implementation of programs, actions, and initiatives on community psychiatry and psychosocial rehabilitation. If you wish to contribute to our work, we can become a bridge to the realization of your vision and mission. If any of the lines of our work interests you and wish to support it, we would be glad to hear from you and go through all the ways we could collaborate.  In the framework of our collaboration, your support and your participation in our actions and events will be acknowledged through our communication media. Send your message through the following form or contact Angeliki Gerogianni, in a.gerogianni@epapsy.gr.